
Pneumococcal vaccine was administered to seven marrow recipients approximately two years after transplantation

 Vaccinated recipients had lower postvaccination titers of type-specific IgG antibody than did vaccinated normal adults and vaccinated sibling donors, and the recipients had normal levels of type-specific IgM antibodies. Thus, the susceptibility of marrow graft recipients to pneumococcal disease may be related to lowered concentrations of antibody to pneumococci after engraftment.complement fixation test (CFT) in vaccinated and experimentally infected cattle.ranging from the normal (2.0 ml) dose of standard vaccine down to 1/400 of the normal dose, and via the conjunctival sac with 1/2 of 1/20 of the normal dose. Under all vaccination regimes serum antibody titres in the complement fixation test (CFT) rose more rapidly, reached higher levels, declined more slowly and involved a greater proportion of animals, than titres in the indirect haemolysis test (IHLT). The interval between the first positive serological test and parturition was determined for 54 pregnant cows infected with a virulent field strain (VRI 3) of B. abortus. On average the CFT titre rose to 1/4 43 days, and 1/8 33 days, before parturition, while the IHLT reached a 2/8 reaction 31 days early immunization, Peruvian infants were randomly assigned to receive one of three measles vaccines in varying doses at 5 to 6 or 8 to 9 months of age. Edmonston-Zagreb vaccines were significantly (P < 0.001) more immunogenic than equivalent or higher titers of Schwarz or Biken-CAM vaccines as determined by neutralization antibody response 3 months after vaccination. Eighty-two percent of infants who received high titer Edmonston-Zagreb vaccine at 5 to 6 months of age developed protective concentrations of measles antibody, a response rate similar to that observed after standard titer Schwarz (81%) or high titer Biken-CAM vaccine (81%) at 8 to 9 months of age. No significant differences in the rates of fever, rash or other adverse events were noted by vaccine group 10 to 14 days after vaccination. Although the high titer vaccines are more immunogenic in young infants than standard vaccines, long term safety must be assured before these vaccines can be put into widespread use.and Public Health, Baltimore, MD 21205.10.1097/00006454-199210000-00003.vaccination process for control of Marek's disease. Providing certain criteria are met, including timing and site of vaccine placement, vaccine mixing, machine sanitization, and hatchery management specifications, this has proven to be an efficacious and convenient method of vaccination. Efforts to extend the technology for other viral vaccines including Newcastle, bronchitis and bursal disease, and bacterial and parasitic vaccines are in progress. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that in ovo vaccination technology using approved vaccine is a safe, efficacious, and convenient method for vaccination of poultry.conjugate vaccine is decreased by admixture of high doses of free saccharide.type 4 polysaccharide-protein conjugate to booster immunizations with the native capsular polysaccharide is dose dependent. Furthermore, it is shown by admixture experiments that simultaneous administration of high doses of free saccharide (0.5-25 micrograms) of different chain lengths (varying from M(r) 1.6-120 kDa) decreases the anti-polysaccharide antibody response. Presence of low doses of saccharide (up to 10%), which are usually present in conjugates prepared by the carbodiimide coupling procedure, did not influence the anti-polysaccharide antibody response in adult and neonatal mice. Polysucrose 400 Food additive induce mucosal and systemic responses.and represent an enormous challenge for vaccine development by the absence of good mucosal adjuvants. A proteoliposome-derived adjuvant from Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (AFPL1, Adjuvant Finlay Proteoliposome 1) and its derived cochleate form (Co, AFCo1) contain multiple pathogen-associated molecular patterns as immunopotentiators, and can also serve as delivery systems to elicit a Th1-type immune response. Polysucrose 400 Food additive demonstrate the ability of AFPL1and AFCo1 to induce mucosal and systemic immune responses by different mucosal immunizations routes and significant adjuvant activity for antibody responses of both structures: a microparticle and a nanoparticle with a heterologous antigen.

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